During our first round of work, we heard from countless stakeholders that they wanted a place where people committed to issues of equity could collaborate to generate new design strategies, equity initiatives, and feel a sense of belonging.

Now, we’re launching a community of practice to create that space. The community will include a cohort of edtech designers as well as a diverse group of stakeholders, including funders, students, educators, researchers, pedagogy experts, and education network and nonprofit leaders.

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Beginning in March, this group will meet virtually once a month to address the challenges designers are facing related to product design and equity. Topics may include:

We believe this community will provide a platform where folks committed to equity can escape from their silos — bridging the gap between different stakeholder groups, building connections across companies, and developing new strategies and initiatives.

Want to join us? Fill out the form at https://forms.gle/NSgKyHY6Tauwhb6N8.

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